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Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 14:03
por juanma666
Mu malita tié que estar la cosa, pa que un figurín como aqueste, con traje de boda gitana, ese peluco (que se supone de coloráo) y esos zarcillos gay friendly Fortunates Islands, se deje cael en un foro de gañanes joputas con menos vergüenza y miramiento que un gato en una matanza... a intentar defender el ungüento milagroso de frecuencias digitales audiófilas. :mrgreen:

Que algún voluntario se lo traduzca al esperanto... que a mi me da risa.
Tu dame hueco, que habiendo hueco... hay merme. :twisted:

Juas! ma.

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 14:09
por Luismax
Dale un margencillo al romano que estamos mu necesitaos de risas.

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 14:23
por juanma666
Luismax escribió:Dale un margencillo al romano que estamos mu necesitaos de risas.

Pero... tú te has recreao en los pelillos que exhibe el pájaro??? :shock:
Eh, eh ,eh...!

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 14:23
por juluska
juanma, la cosa está mucho peor de lo que piensas, a punto de llegar el mad max, sobretodo en la Zona Cero (Comunidad Valenciana).
Ya me estoy imaginando la película postapocalíptica. El protagonista, un audiófilo sin concesiones escuchando música en sus wilson audio y deleitándose limpiando sus CDs con los productos Chisto mientras abajo en la calle la gente saquea los supermercados y se matan por un litro de gasolina. A pesar de la situación en el mundo exterior nuestro protagonista es feliz en su pequeño mundo de fantasía audiófila gracias al deslumbrante brillo de sus CDs tras aplicarles Disk Analoguer y no piensa renunciar a su nicho de felicidad por nada del mundo. Así que ha montado un nido de ametralladoras en su balcón, desde el que dispara sin piedad a cualquiera que ose acercarse a sus productos limpiadores de Cds.

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 14:24
por Ceregumino
zamazeev escribió:
...even Switzerland...
Alto ahí chicos, es que no os habeis percatado que se lo compran "hasta en Suiza". Seguro que ha de ser bueno.
Voy a pedirle una franquicia para hacer ventas mientras estoy sentado en la taza :twisted:
Un saludo

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 15:27
por zamazeev
juluska escribió:zamazeev, ¿cuanto has pagado por este review?
http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/e ... _ideas.htm
Joder, es que es cómico:
Black Analoguer And Disk Analoguer
First come the Black Analoguer and its companion Disk Analoguer, possibly from a company called Chisto. Who knows? They come from my friend Jean-Pierre in Montreal. Two 100ml (3.4 fluid ounce) spray bottles of clear liquid that are essentially liquid DACs for CDs, DVDs, SACD and Blu-Ray discs. You give one spray of the Black Analoguer to the label side and one spray of the Disk Analoguer to the silver side, wiping the spray from the center hole toward the edge of the disc with a special Evolon cloth that is both washable and reusable until the surface is dry. No, it does not convert your silver discs into black LPs, but it sure sounds that way. Shaking the bottles creates tiny soap-like bubbles inside, suggesting a surfactant for whatever the liquid is. The Black Analoguer is probably designed not to dissolve the label — I didn't test this theory.

But if you're wondering if you could get away with just the Disc Analoguer and forego the Black stuff on the label side, I did some comparisons. After listening to the untreated CD I sprayed the Disk Analoguer side only and listened again. There was a substantial improvement with just treating the silver side of the disc. Then I treated the label side with the Black Analoguer and listened again. It does indeed provide more improvement, but not twice as good. The law of diminishing returns sets in. Then I reversed the test with another CD, listening first then treating the label side only. Again, there was a substantial improvement. Then I treated the silver side, and again experienced improvement, but not violating the law of diminishing returns. Thereafter I treated both sides of each CD after sampling songs from the untreated disc. Every time the music became more analog-like, leaving only the benefits of digital to enjoy. Better focus led to greater transparency. The delicate nuances of vocals and the decay of instrumental notes revealed textures where none had been before. Listening was a lot closer to Being There. It was as if each CD had been transformed into an expensive Re-mastered Gold Edition. Or on the hardware side, as if the Calyx DAC I have in for review was magically reincarnated as a Berkley Alpha DAC. That's a difference of $3200, making the return on investment HUGE! Not bad for a product that basically removes mold release agent, fingerprints and static. (I didn't test for peanut butter and jelly). These bottles will fit into your Christmas stocking very nicely and you will be hard pressed to pull yourself away from the music for Christmas dinner. ($45 each/individually or $78 for the set).

Jean-Pierre tells me Chisto also offers Easy Groove, a great anti-static and cleaning solution for vinyl which might also be worth trying. ($45)
Guys. Are you audiophiles here? You do not know enjoythemusic.com ?
Try to pay that guys )))))

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:00
por Ceregumino
zamazeev escribió: Guys. Are you audiophiles here?
No hijo, no. Aquí no hay audiofilos.
Los integrantes de este foro tenemos los pies en la tierra, ademas de cerebro.
Un saludo

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:05
por Boltzmann
zamazeev escribió:Guys. Are you audiophiles here?
Nope. No so stupid. Sorry about that.
zamazeev escribió:In our country we like to joke and not serious at everything
Sure. No doubt: http://www.chisto.me/products/audio-cos ... -analoguer.

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:14
por Luismax
zamazeev escribió:Guys. Are you audiophiles here?
We are anti audiophiles and we are against the audiophiles. :?

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:25
por zamazeev
Luismax escribió:
zamazeev escribió:Guys. Are you audiophiles here?
We are anti audiophiles and we are against the audiophiles. :?
And how do you call yourself? :roll:

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:28
por Boltzmann
zamazeev escribió: And how do you call yourself?

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:40
por Luismax
zamazeev escribió:And how do you call yourself? :roll:
In spanish "cabronazos". :twisted: Something between bastards and big asshole.

We are known for fucking ass to the audiophiles aka "Japan flags makers".

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:51
por Alf
Luismax escribió:
zamazeev escribió:And how do you call yourself? :roll:
In spanish "cabronazos". :twisted: Something between bastards and big asshole.

We are known for fucking ass to the audiophiles aka "Japan flags makers".
Te mas adelantao, cabrón :twisted:


Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:55
por Klaatu
Guys. Are you audiophiles here?


(Don´t try to translate it :mrgreen: )

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 16:58
por Luismax
Alf escribió:Te mas adelantao, cabrón :twisted:
Es que soy un auténtico cabronazo. :twisted:

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 17:00
por zamazeev
Luismax escribió:
zamazeev escribió:And how do you call yourself? :roll:
In spanish "cabronazos". :twisted: Something between bastards and big asshole.

We are known for fucking ass to the audiophiles aka "Japan flags makers".
So tell me simply what is wrong with audiophiles? And how good are you.

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 17:19
por Luismax
Very simply. Audiophiles are believers and we are scientific thinkers.

We dont accept theories based only on subjective impressions even less on esoteric belief.

We demand test measurements and blind testing for any hypothesis argument as "this sounds better than the other".

Read de link posted by Boltzmann clicking the red pill


Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 17:29
por Boltzmann
zamazeev escribió:So tell me simply what is wrong with audiophiles?
They're stupid enough to buy your shit on the basis of "Makes CDs sound analogue, DVDs show in full colors and sound, and absolute must for BLU-RAYs due to its data density".

You make fun of them and take their money. Well done! We're still only on the "make-fun" thing...

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 17:35
por Luismax
Yes!... for you, zamazeev, there should be nothing wrong with them.

Audiophile rule is your best guarantee of success:

More stupid :arrow: better buyer :arrow: higher paying

Publicado: Vie 13 Ene 2012 , 19:13
por juanma666
Lo galleteamos ya?, o tavía no? :mrgreen: